Heikki Harmainen - Illustrator


A word from the Illustrator

Written on 04/2020


I am Heikki, the illustrator behind the centrepiece artwork - the game map itself. I wanted to create a strong visual narrative via art that is easily approachable, yet atmospheric and thought-invoking. I wanted to bring light to a forgotten world. The game revolves around the concept of traversing through the mythical landscapes of Kalevala, the national epic of Finland. My goal was to build a vision for that domain.

Kalevala is a collection of tales and myths, where heroes come to life, villains are scheming out of some capricious intent and legendary creatures dwell in places lost to the knowledge of man. To me, Kalevala depicts the tip of the iceberg - a sort of a gateway into a world of Finnish mythology, face is given to a multitude of fabled stories that have survived across the ages. Kalevala - and as a proxy, our game - brings some of the ancient stories to life and sheds light on the myth. Hopefully, it incites an interest in Finnish mythology and history in all those, who manage to get their hands on it!​

Kalewala Tale of Sampo board game map art by Heikki Harmainen